How Hard Is AP Physics?

Physics is a famously troublesome subject, and AP Physics specifically can be scary, without a doubt. It manages a lot of unintuitive ideas, equations with various factors, and math that can be troublesome if you haven’t taken related courses. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you will not be frightened off and center around understanding the ideas and the conditions, you ought to be fine with the AP Exam. 

Pause, hang on… there are 4 AP Physics Exams? 

AP Physics is four distinctive AP exams: 

  • AP Physics 1 
  • AP Physics 2 
  • AP Physics C: Mechanics 
  • AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism. 

While in fact, you could take every one of the four of these over your secondary school profession, it’s ideal to pick only a couple depending on what your school objectives are, how much mathematics you’ve taken, and what you’re keen on. 

AP Physics 1 

AP Physics 1 and 2 require a foundation in variable-based math, which means you ought to have taken mathematical classes through at any rate calculation, even though if you haven’t effectively taken Algebra II, it is ideal to at any rate take Algebra II simultaneously. In each AP Physics class, the better you are at math, the better you’ll likely do on the test. AP Physics 1 covers Newtonian and rotational mechanics, mechanical waves, and some more straightforward electrical circuits. It doesn’t need any essential physics courses, even though you’ll likely improve if you took an initial course first. 

AP Physics 2 

AP Physics 2 is intended to go about as a continuation of AP Physics 1, which means you unquestionably ought to have taken another physics class before handling this one—assuming not AP Physics 1, at any rate, an extensive starting course. It covers thermodynamics, liquid mechanics, power and attraction, optics, and present-day physics—all subjects that will in general be more troublesome and progressed than points in AP Physics 1. That implies that regardless of whether this test sounds more fascinating to you, you should take AP Physics 1 first. 

AP Physics: Electricity and Magnetism 

AP Physics C is likewise separated into two distinct tests: Mechanics, and Electricity and Magnetism (shortened here as E&M). Notwithstanding, in contrast to AP Physics 1 and 2, you can either accept these as independent classes or as one consistent class, with Mechanics the principal semester and E&M the subsequent semester. There are as yet two separate tests, however, you can return them to-move in the May of one school year. AP Physics C is diverse generally because it utilizes analytics to tackle issues, not simply variable-based math. If you haven’t taken math as of now, you ought to at any rate intend to take AP Calculus AB or BC simultaneously. By and by, the better you as of now are at math, the simpler physics will be for you. 

AP Physics C: Mechanics 

AP Physics C: Mechanics covers subjects that are fundamentally the same as those on AP Physics 1, even though since it incorporates math, it goes into more profundity and is seriously difficult. Also, AP Physics C: E&M follows AP Physics 2 intently, even though it goes into more profundity and is more troublesome. 

Which AP Exam would it be a good idea for me to take? 

The subject of which AP Physics tests to take, assuming any, relies upon numerous variables—how much mathematics you’ve taken, your capacities and interests, what your school can offer, and what universities you desire to go to. We should stroll through these elements individually. 

Do you have mathematical abilities? 

We’ve effectively discussed how intently math is interwoven with AP Physics. If you haven’t taken Algebra II at this point, it’s likely to your greatest advantage to hold off on taking AP Physics for the present. If you’ve taken Algebra II yet not analytics, you would likely need to begin with AP Physics 1. On the off chance that you’ve taken or are taking math, and you’re appreciating the class, AP Physics C might be a superior fit. 

What would you like to consider? 

Regardless of whether you are by and by more intrigued by power and attraction, it’s a superior plan to take AP Physics 1 or AP Physics C: Mechanics first. The subjects in AP Physics 2 and AP Physics C: E&M work off the points in the mechanics-focused courses, and without them, you’ll probably end up exceptionally confused. If you truly need to cover power and attraction yet don’t have any desire to require two entire long stretches of AP Physics, at that point intend to take AP Physics C, and finish it in one year. 

Which test is accessible to you? 

Numerous schools don’t have the assets to bring to the table each of the four classes, and if they don’t, they are bound to offer AP Physics 1 or 2 than AP Physics C and are bound to offer Mechanics-based classes over E&M-based classes. Moreover, AP Physics 1 is generally considered fundamentally simpler than AP Physics 2, so regardless of whether you previously took and delighted in AP Physics 1, ensure you investigate a few themes and issues from AP Physics 2 preceding pursuing it. 

Where would you like to head off to college? 

Last, before pursuing an AP Physics class, ensure you do some exploration of your planned schools. The harder the test, the almost certain you are to get school acknowledgment for it, when in doubt. Following that, a few universities will give you kudos for basic physics for passing AP Physics 3, while others will just give you credit with a 5, and still others (like MIT) will not acknowledge it by any stretch of the imagination.

Since AP Physics C uses analytics and hence follows school physics courses all the more intently, universities are bound to acknowledge a passing score of 3 on this test. Notwithstanding, regardless of whether your top schools don’t assume praise, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the class!

A decent AP Physics class can support your presentation in school physics courses. Moreover, it can disclose to you whether you even need to seek after physics in school, even though remember—AP classes consistently have characteristics that make them altogether different from most school courses 

Speedy Summary 

Generally, AP Physics is a difficult idea yet additionally intriguing and helpful if you intend to seek after a STEM Major. There are 4 diverse AP exams so it’s essential to sort out which course is ideal for you. When you choose a class, the exams can be unintuitive so you should remember equation sheets and invest in speaking issues. Despite this thorough responsibility, consistently a huge number of understudies join to take AP Physics. 

About the Author: Abby Clements is a senior at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. She is going to begin an expert program in Neuroscience and Linguistics. She is a Gemini, an ideal ACT score, and a physics geek.

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